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Bicocca Open Archive Research Data

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1970 2025
366 results
  • Wolf in the Ticino Natural Park (Italy)
    Datset used to investigated wolf spatio-temporal behavior within the Ticino Natural Park, an ecological corridor crossing a highly human-modified areas in northern Italy. The dataset contains value of: • Kilometer abundance indices (IKAs) of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa); • Tourism events categorized by type and season; • Number of wild boars shot by different hunting control techniques. All data are associated with wolf (Canis lupus) presence/availability sites along standardized routes in the protected area.
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  • Palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic reconstruction of the Lower-Middle Eocene Foraminiferal Limestone of Pag Island (Croatia) - Raw Data
    This dataset contains the raw data resulting from the quantitative analysis of the benthic foraminifera association and the skeletal assemblage within the lower to middle Eocene carbonate succession exposed at the Island of Pag (Croatia). The aim of this work is to provide the palaeoenvironmental, palaeobathymetric, and stratigraphic reconstructions and clarify the dynamics of the carbonate factories in the Dinaric Foreland Basin. More than 100 samples have been collected within the Foraminiferal Limestone and the overlying Transitional beds units. Quantitative analysis takes into account both large benthic (LBF) and small benthic (SBF) foraminifera. Based on the analysed LBF and nannofossil associations, the Foraminiferal Limestone has been dated to the early Eocene (Ypresian) and the Middle Eocene (late Lutetian/early Bartonian). Thanks to the analysis of the skeletal assemblage and the foraminiferal assemblage, and multivariate statistics, it was possible to identify seven main biofacies within the Foraminiferal Limestone and one biofacies within the Transitional Beds. The porcelaneous and agglutinated benthic foraminifera biofacies (BF1) indicates a well-illuminated, oligotrophic to mesotrophic, shallow-water, lagoonal environment. The hyaline SBF and encrusting benthic foraminifera biofacies (BF2) developed in a shallow water, inner-ramp environment, and is related to a vegetated seafloor. The nummulitid biofacies (BF3) indicates a moderately high energy, shallow water environment, whereas the comminuted bioclasts and nummulitid biofacies (BF4) indicates a low-energy, shallow water environment, both deposited in inner-to-middle ramp settings. The nummulitid and orthophragminid biofacies (BF5) indicates a moderate energy environment, deposited in middle ramp settings. The nummulitid and serpulid biofacies (BF6) consists of transported material from the inner ramp deposited in middle ramps settings. The orthophragminid and nummulitid biofacies (BF7) indicates a below-wave base, outer shelf setting and the planktic foraminifera biofacies (BF8), which is recorded in the Transitional Beds, deposited in hemipelagic environment, indicating the final drowning of the carbonate ramp. Based on the foraminiferal counting, quantitative parameters such as the orthophragminids/nummulitids ratio (O/N), the planktic/benthic foraminifera ratio (P/B), and the hyaline/porcelaneous foraminifera ratio (H/P) were calculated, indicating that the succession formed along a distally steepened ramp profile, with a progressively deepening of the depositional environment. Quantification serves as a crucial instrument for precise and reliable palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, playing a pivotal role in comparing diverse successions.
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  • A customizable digital holographic microscope
    We propose a low-cost, compact, and portable holographic microscope designed for the characterization of micrometric particles suspended in a liquid. This system is built around a commercial optical microscope by substituting its illumination source (a light-emitting diode) with a collimated laser beam. Similarly, a quartz flow cell replaces the microscope glass slide using 3D-printed custom mounting. With the hardware presented in this paper, the holographic imaging of the electromagnetic fields emitted by the objects that intercept the laser beam achieves a resolution close to that achieved with optical microscopes, but with a much larger depth of field. Once a hologram is recorded, a variety of morphological and optical features, including particle projected section, aspect ratio, and extinction cross-section can be extracted. Additionally, we introduce a remote system control that enables users to process the acquired holograms to a remote computational device. This work encompasses a comprehensive description of the methodology of the image processing in holographic microscopy, and a series of validation measurements conducted using calibrated particles. This technique is suitable for the characterization of airborne particles found in snow, firn and ice; here we report experimental results obtained from Alpine ice cores. We include the 3d printer design files, the Holography tutorial in jupyter, and the files to control remotely the camera, the Pycamera project in python
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  • Low-temperature Thermochronology data from Patagonia
    This is the apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He dataset from the Fitz Roy and Torres del Paine massifs in Southern Patagonia that supports the study in revision: “Geodynamic and climatic forcing on late-Cenozoic exhumation of the Southern Patagonian Andes (Fitz Roy and Torres del Paine massifs)” by Muller, V.A.P. et al., 2023 (preprint DOI: 10.22541/essoar.168332179.93378898/v1). Apatite (U-Th/He) thermochronometry was performed following standard procedures (House et al., 2000) at the ARHDL of University of Arizona (USA) for plutonic samples of Torres del Paine, and at the Berkeley Geochronology Center (USA) for metasedimentary samples of Torres del Paine. Apatite (U-Th/He) thermochronometry of Fitz Roy plutonic samples was performed in the GEOPS Laboratory at the Paris-Saclay University (Orsay, France), following the methods of Gautheron et al., (2021). Zircon (U-Th/He) thermochronometry of Fitz Roy plutonic samples was performed in the UTHHE Laboratory of Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) following the methods of Reiners et al. (2004, 2005).
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  • Data for: TCDD-induced allosteric perturbation of the AhR:ARNT bind-ing to DNA
    Homology model and Molecular dynamics simulations for the AhR:ARNT:DRE complex in presence or absence of the TCDD ligand
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  • Benthic foraminifera as proxy for fossil seagrass from the Lower Pleistocene deposits of the Stirone River (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) - Raw Data
    This dataset contains the raw data resulting from the picking of benthic foraminifera within the Pleistocene deposits of the Stirone River (Emilia-Romagna, Italy). The aim of this project is to test foraminifera as Indirect Palaeo-Seagrass Indicators (IPSIs). Foraminiferal analyses, based on these data, focused on two different biofacies: a Thalassinoides biofacies, characterised by an oligotypic assemblage (samples R) and a Pinna biofacies, that shows high biodiversity and represents an infralittoral soft bottom colonised by marine phanerogams (samples S). Several indexes have been calculated using these data, such as the IndexEP, the modified FORAM index (FI’), the “long vs. short life-span index” (ILS), and the K/REXT (keeled/rounded morphotypes). Morphotype-based analysis has been provided, too. Among the tested indexes, the latter (K/REXT) proved to be the most reliable IPSI, considering also the presence of morphotype A*, permanently attached, encrusting foraminifera and the abundance of Rosalinidae.
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  • Reaction-induced mantle weakening at HP conditions: an example from garnet pyroxenites of Ulten zone (Eastern Alps, N Italy)
    This dataset includes the supporting information of the manuscript "Reaction-induced mantle weakening at HP conditions: an example from garnet pyroxenites of Ulten zone (Eastern Alps, N Italy) " to be submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
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  • Cenozoic dextral shearing along the Arusan sector of the Great Kavir – Doruneh Fault System (Central Iran)
    The data here provided have been used to analyse the structural evolution of the Arusan sector of the Great Kavir - Doruneh Fault system in Central Iran, one of the major intracontinental active strike-slip faults extending from the Afghan border to the Nain region between Central Iran and the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. We document important dextral shearing recorded along a segment of the GKDFS, the Arusan Fault System (AFS), located east of Jandaq, close to the present-day active trace of the GKDFS. The AFS include several ENE-WSW striking strands exposed for a length of more than 50 km, which couple pre-Cretaceous ophiolites and metamorphic basement units with the Cretaceous succession of the Khur basin. The fault shows transpressional structures consistent with a dextral shear including thrusts and en échelon folds affecting the Cretaceous carbonate units. Paleostress reconstruction estabilished vorticity parameters indicating that deformation occurred close to a total simple shear regime with a calculated Wk between 0.9 and 1. The enormous Meso-Cenozoic dextral displacements occurred along the AFS and along the entire GKDFS are attested by the up to several hundreds of kilometers offset of the Paleotethys suture zone, from NE Iran to the western border of Central Iran. We provide here the original field data, elaboration of satellie ASTER images for gelogical interpretations, geolocalization of each structural measurement sites that we used for analyses ad interpretations in our work. The data details are as follows: - FILE_1: Geological map of the Arusan Fault System with the localization of all measurement sites - FILE_2: A kml file with the geolocalization of measurement sites - FILE_3: Georeferenced false color composite image generated from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Level 1B data collected on 13 September 2003. RGB combination shows the principal components derived from the Gram-Schmidt spectral sharpening tool. - FILE_4: Field images of fault planes with kinematic indicators - FILE_5: Fault slip data used for paleostress calculations
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  • Data for: Provenance versus weathering control on sediment composition in monsoonal subtropical climate (Pearl River and coastal rivers of SE China) - 1. Geochemistry and clay mineralogy
    sampling information&chemistry&clay minerals
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  • Seismotectonics at the transition between opposite-dipping slabs (western Alpine region) - DATASET
    Supporting Information for the article entitled " Seismotectonics at the transition between opposite-dipping slabs (western Alpine region)" written by E. Eva, M.G. Malusà and S. Solarino. Contents of this file: Details on data processing; Distribution of P+S phase picks for the stations used in this study; Data selected for the comparison between LSQR and SVD performances; Vertical errors calculated using HypoDD with SVD; Focal mechanisms computed for this study; Dataset after HypoDD relocation.
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