Milan Test of Rhythmic Ability (MITRA) - Audiomotor integration of rhythmic hand tapping

Published: 12 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/34jwfyvkmm.1
, Matteo Valtolina


This material includes ERP data collected in musicians and controls during processing of biological motion (namely rhythmic hand tapping), example of experimental stimuli used and the original version of Milan Test of Rhythmic Ability (MITRA). The test can be administered auditorily, and requires the vocal reproduction from the patient. This method avoids impediments due to poor motor skills or finger dexterity/agility, which would interfere with the resolution of the rhythmic reproduction task. Test vocal stimuli can be requested for research purposes only, upon appropriate acknowledge and quotation of the present source. The first part of the test can be administered to non-musicians; The second portion of the test is rather challenging. The normative data indicated a significantly higher mean score in professional musicians (14/20, SD= 2.12) than in musically naive controls (6.5/20, SD= 0.71)

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Steps to reproduce

Milan Test of Rhythmic Ability (MITRA) The test includes two sections. The first is relatively straightforward and comprises simple beats (patterns 1-8), while the second is more challenging and incorporates syncopated rhythms and triplets (patterns 9-20). In the first section, participants are required to listen to the presented pattern and immediately repeat it vocally by articulating the syllable /pa/. In the second section, two trials are permitted, with two cycles of listening and repeating the same pattern. A one-minute intermission is allowed between the initial and subsequent sections. The subjects' responses are audio-recorded and evaluated by independent professional musicians. Each accurate repetition is awarded a score of one point, while errors or temporal inaccuracies result in a score of zero points. The maximum total score for this test is twenty points. BPM= 110. The vocal stimuli are available upon request.


University of Milano-Bicocca


Department of Psychology


Cognitive Neuroscience


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
