Data for: Improvising enhances anticipatory skills. A comparison between jazz and classical musicians.
The dataset here included is related to the research project “Improvising enhances anticipatory skills. A comparison between jazz and classical musicians”, approved by the ethical committee of the University of Milan-Bicocca (RM_2016_78). It includes performances of 2 different groups of musicians (classical and jazz) and a control group of nonmusician participants at an auditory and visual Anticipation Task. 3 conditions of the task are included for each modality (Rhythm 1 = unstressed condition, Rhythm 2 = stressed condition, and Rhythm 5 = unpredictable condition). Each condition includes 10 trials that are reported in 10 columns for each participant. Performances at the Purdue Pegboard Battery (Tiffin, 1999) and at the discrimination of rhythm task (here expressed in dprime scores) are also included for all the participants. The last columns included report the average scores and standard deviations of the anticipation task's trials.
Additional Metadata for University of Milano - Bicocca
Date the data was collected | 2017-05-15T00:00:00.000Z |
SSD Classification | M-PSI/01 - PSICOLOGIA GENERALE |