Cenozoic dextral shearing along the Arusan sector of the Great Kavir – Doruneh Fault System (Central Iran)

Published: 15 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/n7x9bpc292.1


The data here provided have been used to analyse the structural evolution of the Arusan sector of the Great Kavir - Doruneh Fault system in Central Iran, one of the major intracontinental active strike-slip faults extending from the Afghan border to the Nain region between Central Iran and the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. We document important dextral shearing recorded along a segment of the GKDFS, the Arusan Fault System (AFS), located east of Jandaq, close to the present-day active trace of the GKDFS. The AFS include several ENE-WSW striking strands exposed for a length of more than 50 km, which couple pre-Cretaceous ophiolites and metamorphic basement units with the Cretaceous succession of the Khur basin. The fault shows transpressional structures consistent with a dextral shear including thrusts and en échelon folds affecting the Cretaceous carbonate units. Paleostress reconstruction estabilished vorticity parameters indicating that deformation occurred close to a total simple shear regime with a calculated Wk between 0.9 and 1. The enormous Meso-Cenozoic dextral displacements occurred along the AFS and along the entire GKDFS are attested by the up to several hundreds of kilometers offset of the Paleotethys suture zone, from NE Iran to the western border of Central Iran. We provide here the original field data, elaboration of satellie ASTER images for gelogical interpretations, geolocalization of each structural measurement sites that we used for analyses ad interpretations in our work. The data details are as follows: - FILE_1: Geological map of the Arusan Fault System with the localization of all measurement sites - FILE_2: A kml file with the geolocalization of measurement sites - FILE_3: Georeferenced false color composite image generated from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Level 1B data collected on 13 September 2003. RGB combination shows the principal components derived from the Gram-Schmidt spectral sharpening tool. - FILE_4: Field images of fault planes with kinematic indicators - FILE_5: Fault slip data used for paleostress calculations



University of Milano–Bicocca


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Geology, Structural Geology, Satellite Image
