Illumination and gaze effects on face evaluation: the Bi-AGI Database

Published: 21 September 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rx6kpwmvtf.1
Giulia Mattavelli, irene gorrino, Elisabetta Cesana,


Face evaluation and first impression generation can be affected by multiple face elements such as invariant facial features, gaze direction and environmental context; however, the composite modulation of eye gaze and illumination on faces of different gender and ages has not been previously investigated. We aimed at testing how these different facial and contextual features affect ratings of social attributes. Thus, we created and validated the Bi-AGI Database, a freely available new set of male and female face stimuli varying in age across lifespan from 18 to 87 years, gaze direction and illumination conditions. Judgments on attractiveness, femininity-masculinity, dominance and trustworthiness were collected for each stimulus. Results evidence the interaction of the different variables in modulating social trait attribution, in particular illumination differently affects ratings across age, gaze and gender, with less impact on older adults and greater effect on young faces.

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University of Milano-Bicocca


Department of Psychology


Face Perception, Person Perception, Illumination, Database