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University of Milano-Bicocca Showcase

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Open Science @UniMiB is the new information, education and services website promoted by the University on Open Science.The project was created with the goal of increasing Bicocca users' awareness of the presence of skills and tools supporting Open Science, providing news and insights related to the entire open science ecosystem, and creating an informed and proactive user community.

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1970 2024
9079 results
  • Molecules adsorbed on syngle atom catalysts
    In the folder there are several output files of molecules adsorbed on single atom catalysts. The folder are divided according to the catalyst. In each catalyst folder there are sub-folders divided according to the category of molecules adsorbed on the catalyst itself. Spin polarized DFT calculations were performed by means of the VASP package. The generalized gradient approximation was used with the PBE functional. Dispersion forces have been included according to the Grimme’s D3 parametrization.
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  • Impact of computational tumor cell fraction quantification (QuANTUM) on the evaluation of sample adequacy for NSCLC molecular pathology
    Results of the pre and post-QuANTUM survey to a panel of 12 international digital and computational pathologists for the assessment of absolute and % tumor cellularity.
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  • On the origin of the light yield enhancement in polymeric composite scintillators loaded with dense nanoparticles
    Raw data for figure 1,2,3,4 (.txt) - photoluminescence, absorbance, radioluminescence, time resolved radioluminescnece, energy transfer calculation, montecarlo simulation results (Fluka software) ; Figures pdf format; manuscripts ESI (.doc).
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  • Wolf in the Ticino Natural Park (Italy)
    Datset used to investigated wolf spatio-temporal behavior within the Ticino Natural Park, an ecological corridor crossing a highly human-modified areas in northern Italy. The dataset contains value of: • Kilometer abundance indices (IKAs) of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa); • Tourism events categorized by type and season; • Number of wild boars shot by different hunting control techniques. All data are associated with wolf (Canis lupus) presence/availability sites along standardized routes in the protected area.
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  • Small-Mammals NBS Dataset and Sampling design
    Project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4 - Call for tender No. 3138 of 16 December 2021, rectified by Decree n.3175 of 18 December 2021 of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. Award Number: Project code CN_00000033, Concession Decree No. 1034 of 17 June 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, CUP: H43C22000530001, Project title “National Biodiversity Future Center - NBFC”. To advance the national-wide objectives of the Spoke 5 (Urban Biodiversity) of the National Biodiversity Future Center - NBFC (National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU), a sampling design based on the use of a unique gradient of urbanization/green areas’ fragmentation has been developed in Italy. The classification of 1km2 cells in univocal classes of green area size-fragmentation is provided for six Italian cities (Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples, Campobasso) in the shapefiles folder “Size_fragmentation_gradient_urban_areas_Italy”. We investigated the impact of urban green area spatial and habitat characteristics on the community composition of an indicator animal group to inform Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) for urban biodiversity and sustainability enhancement. We analyzed data of small mammal community composition from three Italian metropolitan cities (Milan, Florence, and Rome), focusing on the distribution pattern of synanthropic and non-synanthropic species. Small mammal surveys were carried out using hair tubes in sampled areas located along the green area size-fragmentation gradient. Data on species presence/absence in each sampled cell are reported in the “Dataset_small_mammals” file.
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  • Unaware Processing of Words Activates Experience-Derived Information in Conceptual-Semantic Brain Networks
    Supplementary materials, neuroimaging data, and analysis code for the submitted manuscript: Unaware Processing of Words Activates Experience-Derived Information in Conceptual-Semantic Brain Networks Marta Ghio1,2,*, Barbara Cassone3,*, Marco Tettamanti2,3 1 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany; 2 CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy; 3 Department of Psychology, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milano, Italy. * Equal contribution. Keywords: conceptual-semantic representations; experience; awareness; continuous flash suppression; manipulable objects; emotions.
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  • La nuova disciplina del servizio di ricerca in materia di investimenti. Conseguenze applicative in materia di imposta sul valore aggiunto. (2018)
    La nuova disciplina del servizio di ricerca in materia di investimenti. Conseguenze applicative in materia di imposta sul valore aggiunto. (2018)
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  • Sul regime IVA del servizio di consulenza in materia di investimenti (2018)
    Regime IVA del servizio di consulenza in materia di investimenti
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  • Il principio del contraddittorio nel procedimento tributario: brevi riflessioni sull’evoluzione della giurisprudenza delle Sezioni Unite della Corte di Cassazione
    This work aims to analyse the question whether or not taxpayers have the right to a prior hearing during the procedure of tax proceeding and the consequences of its violation. The author makes a doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the above mentioned right, from the rising of this matter until the most recent judgments of the Supreme Court. Because of the contrast of case-law, recently the Supreme Court ruled that there isn’t the right of the defence as a general principle in the national law, unlike Community law. So in the procedure of tax proceeding involving nonharmonised taxation, Italian Tax Authorities are not obliged to respect the taxpayer’s right to be heard and such behaviour doesn’t cause of voidness.
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  • The role of energy deposition on the luminescence sensitization in porphyrin functionalized SiO2/ZnO nanoparticles under X-rays excitation
    Gaussian spectral reconstruction_fit results; MONTECARLO Geant4 Simulation outputs (Cod A and Code B); E deposition vs distance
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