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University of Milano-Bicocca Showcase

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Open Science @UniMiB is the new information, education and services website promoted by the University on Open Science.The project was created with the goal of increasing Bicocca users' awareness of the presence of skills and tools supporting Open Science, providing news and insights related to the entire open science ecosystem, and creating an informed and proactive user community.

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1970 2024
8698 results
  • Unaware Processing of Words Activates Experience-Derived Information in Conceptual-Semantic Brain Networks
    Supplementary materials, neuroimaging data, and analysis code for the submitted manuscript: Unaware Processing of Words Activates Experience-Derived Information in Conceptual-Semantic Brain Networks Marta Ghio1,2,*, Barbara Cassone3,*, Marco Tettamanti2,3 1 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany; 2 CIMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy; 3 Department of Psychology, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milano, Italy. * Equal contribution. Keywords: conceptual-semantic representations; experience; awareness; continuous flash suppression; manipulable objects; emotions.
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  • La nuova disciplina del servizio di ricerca in materia di investimenti. Conseguenze applicative in materia di imposta sul valore aggiunto. (2018)
    La nuova disciplina del servizio di ricerca in materia di investimenti. Conseguenze applicative in materia di imposta sul valore aggiunto. (2018)
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  • Sul regime IVA del servizio di consulenza in materia di investimenti (2018)
    Regime IVA del servizio di consulenza in materia di investimenti
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  • Il principio del contraddittorio nel procedimento tributario: brevi riflessioni sull’evoluzione della giurisprudenza delle Sezioni Unite della Corte di Cassazione
    This work aims to analyse the question whether or not taxpayers have the right to a prior hearing during the procedure of tax proceeding and the consequences of its violation. The author makes a doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the above mentioned right, from the rising of this matter until the most recent judgments of the Supreme Court. Because of the contrast of case-law, recently the Supreme Court ruled that there isn’t the right of the defence as a general principle in the national law, unlike Community law. So in the procedure of tax proceeding involving nonharmonised taxation, Italian Tax Authorities are not obliged to respect the taxpayer’s right to be heard and such behaviour doesn’t cause of voidness.
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  • The role of energy deposition on the luminescence sensitization in porphyrin functionalized SiO2/ZnO nanoparticles under X-rays excitation
    Gaussian spectral reconstruction_fit results; MONTECARLO Geant4 Simulation outputs (Cod A and Code B); E deposition vs distance
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  • Palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic reconstruction of the Lower-Middle Eocene Foraminiferal Limestone of Pag Island (Croatia) - Raw Data
    This dataset contains the raw data resulting from the quantitative analysis of the benthic foraminifera association and the skeletal assemblage within the lower to middle Eocene carbonate succession exposed at the Island of Pag (Croatia). The aim of this work is to provide the palaeoenvironmental, palaeobathymetric, and stratigraphic reconstructions and clarify the dynamics of the carbonate factories in the Dinaric Foreland Basin. More than 100 samples have been collected within the Foraminiferal Limestone and the overlying Transitional beds units. Quantitative analysis takes into account both large benthic (LBF) and small benthic (SBF) foraminifera. Based on the analysed LBF and nannofossil associations, the Foraminiferal Limestone has been dated to the early Eocene (Ypresian) and the Middle Eocene (late Lutetian/early Bartonian). Thanks to the analysis of the skeletal assemblage and the foraminiferal assemblage, and multivariate statistics, it was possible to identify seven main biofacies within the Foraminiferal Limestone and one biofacies within the Transitional Beds. The porcelaneous and agglutinated benthic foraminifera biofacies (BF1) indicates a well-illuminated, oligotrophic to mesotrophic, shallow-water, lagoonal environment. The hyaline SBF and encrusting benthic foraminifera biofacies (BF2) developed in a shallow water, inner-ramp environment, and is related to a vegetated seafloor. The nummulitid biofacies (BF3) indicates a moderately high energy, shallow water environment, whereas the comminuted bioclasts and nummulitid biofacies (BF4) indicates a low-energy, shallow water environment, both deposited in inner-to-middle ramp settings. The nummulitid and orthophragminid biofacies (BF5) indicates a moderate energy environment, deposited in middle ramp settings. The nummulitid and serpulid biofacies (BF6) consists of transported material from the inner ramp deposited in middle ramps settings. The orthophragminid and nummulitid biofacies (BF7) indicates a below-wave base, outer shelf setting and the planktic foraminifera biofacies (BF8), which is recorded in the Transitional Beds, deposited in hemipelagic environment, indicating the final drowning of the carbonate ramp. Based on the foraminiferal counting, quantitative parameters such as the orthophragminids/nummulitids ratio (O/N), the planktic/benthic foraminifera ratio (P/B), and the hyaline/porcelaneous foraminifera ratio (H/P) were calculated, indicating that the succession formed along a distally steepened ramp profile, with a progressively deepening of the depositional environment. Quantification serves as a crucial instrument for precise and reliable palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, playing a pivotal role in comparing diverse successions.
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  • Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for locating seismic events in an half-space
    # 1D-LOC-MCMC THIS REPOSITORY CONTAINS THE SOURCE CODE for publication: AUTHORS: Riva, F., N. Piana Agostinetti, S. Marzorati and C. Horan TITLE: The micro-seismicity of Co. Donegal (Ireland): Defining baseline seismicity in a region of slow lithospheric deformation JOURNAL: Terra Nova YEAR: 2024 DOI: 10.1111/ter.12691 The repository contains a FORTRAN source code which implements the algorithm presented in the publication, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for the location of a seismic event in an half-space. All innovation, formulas and details are given in the publication. The code can be used to reproduce all the results obtained in the paper, for one of the real-world cases presented in the manuscript, namely the location of the natural event #31, presented in Figure 6 of the above manuscript.
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  • Replication_data_for_Bove_DiSalvatore_Elia_JCR_2024
    Replication data for the paper "What it takes to Return: UN Peacekeeping and the safe return of displaced people"
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  • Milan Test of Rhythmic Ability (MITRA) - Audiomotor integration of rhythmic hand tapping
    This material includes ERP data collected in musicians and controls during processing of biological motion (namely rhythmic hand tapping), example of experimental stimuli used and the original version of Milan Test of Rhythmic Ability (MITRA). The test can be administered auditorily, and requires the vocal reproduction from the patient. This method avoids impediments due to poor motor skills or finger dexterity/agility, which would interfere with the resolution of the rhythmic reproduction task. Test vocal stimuli can be requested for research purposes only, upon appropriate acknowledge and quotation of the present source. The first part of the test can be administered to non-musicians; The second portion of the test is rather challenging. The normative data indicated a significantly higher mean score in professional musicians (14/20, SD= 2.12) than in musically naive controls (6.5/20, SD= 0.71)
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  • Seeing or believing in hyperplexed spatial proteomics via antibodies.
    Supplementary data for the manuscript "Seeing or believing in hyperplexed spatial proteomics via antibodies." The content of this online repository is explained in the .txt file "FolderContent-ReadMe". Please download and read.
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